Wednesday, May 27, 2020

URGENT – Stefan Georgi just shared a chance to turbocharge your career writing for him… But there's a catch

I know I’ve been banging on a lot about Stefan Georgi’s RMBC method recently…

But I feel compelled to bang some more…

Because the ‘$50k per sales letter’ man just shared an UNBELIVABLE opportunity….

A chance for copywriters to turbocharge their career writing for his 9 figure clients…

and get the fame, glory and money that comes with it.

But there’s a catch…

Two catches to be precise.

Here’s the deal:

Stefan gets overloaded with 9 figure clients begging him to write sales letters for them.

Projects paying $50k. But projects he doesn’t have time for.

So what Stefan’s done is agree to take on these projects BUT…

outsource them to people who’ve completed his RMBC Method training.

He’s shared the first 2 of 18 writing opporunities in the private RMBC Method Facebook group.

He’ll be selecting a total of 18 copywriters, who’ll earn $3-5,000 + $2.5-3,000 bonuses for the best letters.

So first catch is that you have to buy the RMBC Method to get access to the private Facebook group to apply.

The RMBC Method course costs $997, so there’s a chance to make back your investment almost immediately.


There’s a second catch.

And this second catach is that he wants headlines and 150 words of the lead by…

Thursday morning PST.

So there’s no time to waste, and why I’m writing this with such urgency.

I intend to take part.

The chance to get on Stefan Georgi’s radar and connect with some of his 9 figure clients is too great to miss.

So if you’d like to join me:

  1. Buy RMBC Method course
  2. Join the private Facebook group
  3. Find Stefan’s post on what to do
  4. Spend today, this evening and all night if you have to working on your headlines and leads for his first two projects

If selected, you’ll then have 3 weeks to write the sales letter.

Yet with the RMBC Method now at your disposal, you can write them in record time (and potentially scoop a juicy bonus)

Good luck!

Earnings disclaimer – The links in this post are affiliate links. Here’s a non-affiliated link if you prefer. Main thing is you dont miss this career turbocharging opportunity.

The post URGENT – Stefan Georgi just shared a chance to turbocharge your career writing for him… But there's a catch appeared first on The Copywriter's Crucible.

from The Copywriter's Crucible

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

By the letter of the law, what I did is not a crime.

Arrested for smash-n-grab copy

By the letter of the law, what I did is not a crime.

But it still makes me cringe with guilt.

No, it wasn’t visiting my grandparents on lockdown.

Yet when I reveal it, people will be unsubscribing and deleting me from their contacts faster than lightning strikes the tree.

What am I talking about?

‘Smash’n’grab’ copy.

Headlines so outrageous they’d make the editor of the National Enquirer nervous…

Leads on ‘anti-aging breakthroughs’ that barely made the ScienceDaily sidebar…

And health claims so bombastic they’d make Dr. Oz wince.

All in the quest for readership and sales.

Sure, this stuff works.

But here’s the problem…

When customers don’t get the transformation they’d hoped for…

refund requests soon follow (or worse, a sharply worded letter from the FTC).

So what’s the answer?

Ensuring buyers get RESULTS.


With a supportive followup email sequence packed with action steps…

Accountability and mentorship in a Facebook group…

Or phone support so the journey and relationship continues long after the first order.

The most expensive customer is the first one.

So helping buyers get results not only reduces refund rates…

It’s what separates ethical brands from one shot deal ‘smash’n’grab’ operations.

I know who I’d rather be.

The post By the letter of the law, what I did is not a crime. appeared first on The Copywriter's Crucible.

from The Copywriter's Crucible

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Don't Sell with T-rex Arms

When someone’s thirsty, sell them another glass.

Wise words.

But why not go all out and sell them the pitcher?

As the economy tanks…

Maximizing conversions on every page will get ever more vital.

One stage too many marketers hold back on is their first upsell.

They think people are weary…

Have read enough already…

And aren’t in the mood for another 1,000 word sales pitch.

So they throw up an upsell page with minimal copy and a juicy discount, and hope for the best.

But the result is an offer with “T-rex arms” (hat tip to Justin Goff).

It lacks muscle.

It’s attempt at selling is feeble.

Instead, you’ve got to get some meat on the bones. 

You’ve got to go through the entire sales process.

Present a new idea… 

Address skepticism… 

Tell them how it works in a revolutionary way… 

Anchor the price…

And set readers at a crossroads between pain or salvation.

Turning the upsell page into a more muscular, fully developed sales page can dramatically boost average order value.

And as consumer cash gets scarce…

Optimizing EVERY page for conversions will mean the difference between surviving and thriving.

If you’d like to know the best way to create high converting upsells, you get a step-by-step process on how to do it in Stefan Georgi’s RMBC Method course.

Along with Heath Wilcock’s video on writing advertorials and Jerrod Harlan’s videos on million dollar selling emails…

I think the bonuses are worth the price of entry alone.

You can read my review of RMBC Method here…

Or click here to visit the sales page.

Earnings disclaimer – The above are affiliate links. However, like I’ve said in previous posts, I’ve bought it myself. And I think any copywriter serious about joining the top ranks of high converting copywiters should get it too.

The post Don't Sell with T-rex Arms appeared first on The Copywriter's Crucible.

from The Copywriter's Crucible

Sunday, May 10, 2020

RMBC Method Review – Can it Really Help You Earn $50k Writing Sales Letters in 3 days?

In my RMBC Method review I cover how it works and if it really can enable you to write high converting sales letters in 3 days, and charge $50k per letter.

Writing sales letters used to be an arcane art… shrouded in mystery.

Legendary copywriters would spend 4-6 weeks reading around the topic… 

Walking around supermarket aisles interviewing customers… 

Flying to gin soaked client meetings… 

and sitting in a hut in a darkened forest…

until inspiration for the perfect headline struck.

Only then… and only then… would they consider putting quill to parchment.

Fast forward to today and it’s a whole new ball game.

Because, if the rumours are true, you don’t need to do any of that.

There’s a system that bends time and space to enable you to craft

sales letters in as little as 3 days.

High converting sales letters too.

And no, I’m not talking about punching some keywords into a ‘Copy Robot’ for it to spew out something so jarring even Johnny 5 can’t make sense of it.


I am, of course, talking about Stefan Georgi’s RMBC method.

A step-by-step system for pumping out high converting copy in as little as 3 days.

Until now, you had to pay $34,000 to be a member of his elite Copy Accelerator group to get it.

Yet for reasons that defy the rules of capitalism… 

he’s released it to the general public at a 97% discount ($997 for non-mathemagicians).

So before he changes his mind (or his accountant convinces him to raise the price) read my RMBC Method review yonder… 

Who is Stefan Georgi? And how is he able to charge $50k for sales letters?

Stefan Georgi - creator of RMBC Method review

The first time I heard of Stefan Georgi was in an interview with 80/20 email copywriter Ian Stanley four years ago. 

An interview in which he talked about cranking out multiple sales letters a month….

And I remember snidely thinking they must be total garbage (no doubt, to safeguard my ego because I couldn’t write that fast).

Well, fast forward to today and I stand corrected.

Because Stefan Georgi is fast becoming known as the hottest copywriter alive.

Here’s why:

  • He’s had 7 of the top 10 highest performing sales letters on Clickbank at ONE time
  • Launched a multi-million dollar supplement company…
  • Had to set up his own call center because his sales letters created so much demand…

And due to these successes, he’s able to charge $50k per sales letter.

Pretty impressive, huh?

So he clearly didn’t release his RMBC method for the money.

As soon becomes clear when you go through it…

He did it due to his passion for the craft. And a genuine desire to help other copywriters up their game.

Something that becomes more obvious by the day, with all the extra bonuses he’s releasing.

RMBC Method Review – How the RMBC Method Works

RMBC Method Review contents

The RMBC method is broken down into four stages: 

  • Research
  • Mechanism
  • Brief
  • Copy

For each stage you get a video in which Stefan runs you through his process. 

You also get downloadable copies of all his notes and transcripts. 

For each stage you also get 3-4 demonstration videos, in which you watch over Stefan’s shoulder as he puts his process into action researching and writing sales letters from scratch. 

Stefan has also included videos of members of his elite Copy Accelerator Group (like Roman Alvarado, Joey Percia and Jeremy Reeves) as they also demonstrate how to use Stefan’s RMBC method to write high converting copy in record time.

Yet that’s not all…

You also get modules on:

Writing high impact fascinations – Also known as ‘curiosity bullets’, fascinations give readers a rapid fire list of reasons to buy the product. You can almost write an entire sales letter with fascinations alone, particularly to sell info products.

Crafting Attention-Grabbing Leads That Can’t Be Ignored – After headlines, the most vital element is the lead. In fact, you can breathe life into flagging sales letters with a proof driven new lead. Stefan gives you examples for the CBD market, dog food and a snoring device you can use as inspiration for your own offers.

Writing killer headlines – As David Ogilvy famously said, 80% read the headline before they read anything else. So it’s THE most vital element to get right. Stefan shares his 6 step checklist for writing killer headlines, without having to write hundreds out (like we’re supposed to, but few people do).

Subject lines and Ad Creatives – Get a walkthrough on Stefan’s subject line matrix, and get some punchy subject lines for emails and presells in less time.

AOV Money Close – Find out how Stefan adds 20% or more to supplement orders. He provides his 7 steps to convincing people to buy the bigger pack, along with high converting examples on how it’s done.

And then there’s the bonuses… so many bonuses:

Bonus 1 – Using the RMBC Method to Wire a New Keto Sales Letter from Scratch

Bonus 2 – Advertorials with Health Wilcock. Get Heath’s exact process to writing presells that boost CTR and conversions, including his 6 go-to advertorial styles with examples to add to your swipe file.

Bonus 3 – Big Ideas Explains, and why a big idea is VITAL to sales success

Bonus 4 – Coming Up With the Mechanism for Health Offers

Bonus 5 – Writing Facebook Ads with Mike Buontempo

Bonus 6 – Writing Mini Sales Letters, with examples for sports betting and a turmeric supplement

And those are just the bonuses at the time of writing my RMBC Method review…

Because Stefan is continuing to record new videos answering people’s questions and get more bonuses done as we speak (including a bonus video on writing emails, by Natural Health Sherpa’s Jerrod Harlan).

You gain access to all of these extra videos and bonuses via the private Facebook group.

Stefan is HUGELY active in the group right now. But that will likely change in the future as he gets drawn away to other projects.

So if you’d like to ask him questions and benefit from his experience of selling millions, join RMBC Method right now.

RMBC Method Review – Does it REALLY make it possible to write a sales letter in 3 days?

The short answer is, yes.

There are plenty of top level copywriters who vouch that they’ve written a sales letter in 3 days using the RMBC method.

The way Stefan has systemized the research phase, planning and how you structure your sales letter has made it a lot quicker to get your notes done and start writing.


These are ‘top level’ copywriters.

If you don’t have a few years of sales letter writing under your belt…

it’s unlikely what you write in 3 days is going to be oven ready.

Crafting high converting copy comes from the editing stage. And it can take a ton of drafts to get your words shipshape.

Stefan doesn’t directly teach you how to write in a compelling, persuasive way (although he gives you lots of tips).

But he DOES provide you with lots of examples you can use as inspiration on how it’s done.

So it would be a good idea to get some books on editing (Bond Halbert’s The Copywriting Method Part III is the best book I’ve read. And Scott Haines’ Shortcut Copywriting Secrets is great, if you can get hold of it).

So it may take you longer to write a compelling, high converting sales letter in 3 days. 

But I think Stefan’s RMBC method will still dramatically cut down your time frame and the quality of your output, whatever level you’re at.

RMBC Method  Review – When can I expect to start earning $50k a sales letter?

It’s a nice thought, isn’t it…

that you need only spend $997 on a copywriting course and instantly be earning $50k a sales letter within months.

Life is never that easy (how dull life would be, if it was).

Stefan’s able to charge $50k due to consistently generating 1,000% returns for his clients. 

Like I said, he had 7 of the top 10 best sellers on Clickbank at one point. And has generated untold millions for his clients in his career.

So, no.

 You can’t expect to be banking $50k per sales letter anytime soon (but I’d LOVE for you to prove me wrong).

Yet, what you can expect is to be generating significantly better conversions than you are now (unless you already consistently convert at 4-5%, in which case you have my respect)…

And with consistently higher conversions comes higher profits for clients… 

and with higher profits comes higher fees.

Leading to you potentially making your $997 investment on the RMBC Method back many times over. 

In fact, the bonus on writing advertorials alone is worth the price of entry. 

Because you can use what Heath teaches you to be charging $1,000 for a presell in little to no time (a $3 profit!).

RMBC Method Review – Who Needs it in their Life and Who Can Live Without It

There are people in the private Facebook group now using the RMBC Method to write newsletters, speeches and video documentaries. 

So it’s a multifunctional system for writing highly engaging messages in lots of different formats.

Even if you’re a B2B copywriter, writing case studies and brochures, I think you could get a ton of value from Stefan’s videos on big ideas, mechanisms and headlines.


Stefan doesn’t offer a money back guarantee. So only get it if you’re serious about putting it into action and going after higher paying clients.

The RMBC Method’s core focus is also writing high converting sales letters and VSLs.

It’s really geared for selling to emotionally charged B2C niches, like supplements, financial newsletters, survival and biz opp.

So if those are in your wheelhouse, go get The RMBC Method post-haste.

Bottom Line

Over the last few years I’ve spent close to twenty thousand dollars on various mentorships and coaching programs. 

And RMBC Method offers the best ROI by a looooong shot.

It gives you EXACT process to follow… 

tons of examples you can ‘re-engineer’ to create your own high converting promos…

And the golden ticket to writing high converting copy that can rapidly raise your fees.

In fact, in the future, if anyone asks to write for me I’ll be advising them to go through the RMBC Method… create a sales letter… run traffic to it… and get some sales.

But shoot… if you’re able to do that you never need to write for me or anyone else ever again. 

So here’s the bottom line…

Perfecting your craft takes time.

It’s a journey that never ends. 

Yet the RMBC Method gives you a rock solid foundation on which to build. 

And it shows you what it takes to research topics, assemble copy and  perform at the highest level.

Like I said, you previously had to pay $34,000 to be in Stefan’s Copy Accelerator group to get it.

Yet right now, you can get it at a 97% discount.

So if I was you, I’d go get the RMBC Method before Stefan pushes up the price or withdraws it from sale altogether to protect his own $50k per sales letter fees.

>>>Get Stefan Georgi’s RMBC Method at a 97% discount while you can

Earnings disclaimer – All the links to Stefan’s RMBC Method are affiliate links. But if you’re a regular reader, you’ll know I don’t post reviews very often (mayone one or two a year). I’ve paid my own good money to get it. And I think you should too.

The post RMBC Method Review – Can it Really Help You Earn $50k Writing Sales Letters in 3 days? appeared first on The Copywriter's Crucible.

from The Copywriter's Crucible

Sunday, May 3, 2020

RMBC method at a 97% discount

Last week Stefan Georgi released his RMBC method.

In case you didn’t know, Stefan Georgi has had more top 10 monster sellers on Clickbank than any other copywriter (at one point, 6 out of the top 10 were written by him)…

He now charges $50k per sales letter…

And alongside Justin Goff, he runs the Copywriter Accelerator group, which now costs $30k a year to join.

In other words, he may know better than anyone what it takes to write sales letters and VSLs that convert on cold traffic.

The RMBC method is his long fabled process for researching and writing sales letters in super fast time.

Previously, you had to be a member of his $30k p.a. Copy Accelerator to learn it.

But last week he released it publically. 

So, as you can imagine, I snapped it up pronto before he decides rasising the copy skills of hundreds of his competitors might impact his earnings.

I’ll be posting a longer review after I’ve completed it.

But in case you’d like to spend this Sunday upgrading your copy game, here’s a link to the looong sales page:

>>>Get Stefan Georgi’s RMBC method at 97% less than it would cost to access via the Copy Accelerator group 

The post RMBC method at a 97% discount appeared first on The Copywriter's Crucible.

from The Copywriter's Crucible