The sales letter is still being sculpted out of the ugly lump that was the first draft. But it’s getting close to being Prime Time ready so I can open up the traffic hose and see how it does.
My mentor Kim Krause Schwalm has reviewed it twice now.
After each review I’ve had to go and stare out of a window and reconsider my career choice for quite some time.
But the feedback has been on point. And I won’t be launching until I’m confident I’ve got it tight as a drum, and I’ve got plenty of leads to swap in and test.
In other news…
I’ve largely worked out the nuts and bolts of how I’m going to put the campaign together. Here’s what’s under the hood:
Payment processor – Clickbank
Supplement supplier – ShipOffers
Supplement – It’s an immune supplement so I can spread my net wide. But I won’t be mentioning the word ‘immune’ or ‘detox’ to avoid compliance headaches. Instead, I’m calling it ‘Natura Zest’ with benefits of energy, youthfulness, a flatter tummy and not feeling so lousy all the time.
Customer service – Zendesk (this may enable me to automate returns entirely)
Landing page builder – Convertri
VSL creation – Easy VSL +
Voice over – (I’m using computer generated to test with, as the voices are now surprisingly good)
Traffic source – YouTube ads (going to test a ton, starting with slideshows and then moving the winners up the production scale)
Analytics – Google Analytics (mainly due to YouTube being the traffic source)
Product insurance – TBC
I figure January will be a peak time for sales. So my plan is to launch by the end of the month (if not sooner) so I can get testing, and have all the bugs worked out for a January sales blitz.
Last week was the penultimate call of my ‘Fast Track to A List’ mentorship program with Kim Krause Schwalm. And it was an eye opener, to say the least.
Email deliverability expert Adrian Savage joined us as a guest. Adrian has helped some major players in our industry to get more of their emails into the Primary tab. So naturally, the whole group was furiously taking down notes as Adrian shared his four step framework for getting the higher opens and juicy conversions we all covet.
Here are 7 top tips he shared:
The idea that moving from one email service provider to another will improve open rates is a myth. If anything, the disruption will cause deliverability to suffer.
Your content needs to sound natural and like an email to a friend. This means no direct response tactics like CAPS, weird punctuation or obvious salesy language.
Use as few images as possible. Ideally, no more than one.
You want a maximum of one link in your email. So the best strategy is to have the link at the end and then refer to it in earlier calls to action.
The #1 thing to focus on for deliverability is engagement. So if a subscriber hasn’t opened your email for 90 days, send them a re-engagement campaign. Start by emailing them a link to the best content you have. Then send them a questionnaire type email with 3 options to click on. And then if they still havent opened, send them a final ‘Does this mean Goodbye?’ email. You can set these emails to go out automatically to ‘unopeners’ on some email platforms, like ActiveCampaign. This would also be a great package to offer clients due to the potential ROI.
Getting replies is deliverability gold. Just make sure you reply to their emails in return.
Signatures with lots of social media links and images can wreck deliverability. So keep your signatures super simple.
Adrian spoke for about an hour, and then we had a round of hotseats. During which Kim politely ripped apart the lead I’d been working on for my supplement VSL script. And I couldn’t be happier.
Firstly, because it saved me wasting time and money on a VSL lead with engagement likely to fall off a cliff edge in the first minute. And secondly, because there’s nothing that raises your game more than having your copy ripped apart by a pro.
And then get this…
Kim then followed up with me after the call with further advice on how to restructure my VSL script to make it stronger. The key conclusion was to stop trying to write sales letters following a template, and to lose the training wheels and start writing every sales letter in its own unique way.
Kim’s currently accepting applications for next year’s ‘Fast Track to the A List’ mentoring program. But the Early Bird pricing ends 1st Nov. So if you want to make 2021 the year when you raised your copy game and income to the next (maybe even A list) level, I recommend checking out her mentorship program while slots are still available.
I spent years copying out sales letters and trying to learn from books and video courses. But it wasn’t until I had my copy publicly reviewed and dissected by Kim that I felt I was really making progress.
Rocktomic is like selling SUPs in ‘training wheels’ mode.
They handle shipping, insurance, customer service and all the other elements I’ve ZERO interest in doing. And they make selling SUPs as easy as pasting an ‘Add to Cart’ button onto your site.
The downside is you have to pay monthly membership.
So you have to be shifting a fair few bottles to make it worthwhile. I’ve no doubt Ship Offers is way more profitable. So once I’ve got a profitable funnel up and running I’ll do a switcheroo and bring on a partner to handle all the techie stuff.
Another downside of Rocktomic is that it’s catalog is pretty basic.
But I have found a few sups with a long list of ingredients I can create a story around (after all, ProVen is a white label SUP and is selling gazillions).
My plan is to start with a detox supplement targeting the over 60s, (that’s right Biotox Gold, you’re about to get some neeeeew competition), and maybe a blood sugar offer to hedge my bets.
I’ve no schedule worked out. And with work commitments piling up, progress will likely be slow.
But I’ll keep you updated when I’ve got my first sales letter ready to roll.
To endlessly send cold emails until you get flagged as spam?
Or to handpick 10 clients you REALLY want to write for…
And then share ideas on how they can improve their conversions and moolah?
My advice would be the latter.
Sure, this strategy always has the risk of backfiring. There will be lots of times when copy doesn’t follow ‘the rules’ yet still generates the big bucks.
But prospective clients are always going to be more likely to respond if you’re offering them the chance to turn weak sales pages into winners
To help guide your copy reviews…
Here’s my 12 point checklist for finding the weak spots in a client’s copy, and then how to strengthen them:
1. Does the headline present a new breakthrough? Is it time sensitive? Does it offer a clear benefit?
As you know, 80% of people decide whether or not to read a sales letter based on the headline.
So you’ve got to dial in every single word if it’s going to pull them into the copy.
You’ve got to share something groundbreaking…
Reveal a one-of-a-kind breakthrough…
And make it time sensitive and beneficial to get folks devouring every word.
2. Does it open with a BANG?
Compelling copy is often described as a slippery slide.
Your headline is what convinces people to climb up the stairs…
Then the first line is what gives them a push.
So it’s vital that the first line opens with a BANG!
You’ve got to say something intriguing (e.g. “Jack! Stop playing with that doll!”)…
Pose a surprising question (e.g. ‘Is tap water more fattening than a glass of Coke?’)…
And open up an unsatisfied thought that COMPELS people to keep reading to get the answer.
What’s more, great opening lines use as few words as possible.
A short, sharp push is the best way to build momentum into your sales copy.
3. Do they describe benefits in actions, not abstractions?
Abstractions are vague claims like feeling ‘healthy’, ‘energized’ or ‘ sleeping better’.
They’re general ideas, rather than something concrete people can immediately picture in real life.
Whereas ACTIONS are definitive, visceral and more real.
You want people to visualize benefits like watching a scene in a movie.
So rather than say ‘feel more energized’ talk about ‘going for brisk hikes in the woods with your grandkids chasing to keep up, as your legs pump like pistons’.
4. Is the science exciting?
Talking about percentages, placebos and “statistically significant” results isn’t going to rev people’s engines.
Instead, you want people to visualize a scientific experiment like they’re witnessing Mission Control during the moon landing.
Rather than say how ‘4 in 5 lost a significant amount of weight…
Talk about scientists breaking out in cheers, hugs and hoots of delight when they realize they’ve found a cure for the global obesity epidemic.
5. Is it believable?
Years of overhyped claims and outlandish stories mean people trust direct response copy only marginally more than politicians.
Sure, stories are a great way of keeping people entertained.
But you’ve still got to PROVE the product works at the end.
There are many ways of presenting proof.
This includes quotes from third party experts, study results on the ingredients and REAL LIFE experiences of people you’ve used the product.
Presenting all this proof in a believable way isn’t just vital for compliance. It’s essential for conversions too.
6. Does it present the customer’s problem as life or death?
Along with a mysterious guru or sidekick, a villain and a quest item…
An essential element of any great story is giving it EXTREME stakes.
Whatever your writing about needs to have life or death consequences. This doesn’t have to be in the literal sense. It could also be death of status, death of a relationship or the death of freedom ending up in a nursing home.
You want your reader to think their future hangs in the balance by the end of the letter. And that choosing to do nothing has real consequences as well.
7. Does the copy explain why the reader failed in the past, and why it’s not their fault?
Before reading a sales letter, a target customer has likely already tried tons of supplements, courses and products before.
So you want to list all the things they may have tried, and then explain why they were unsuccessful.
A great way of doing this is revealing a ‘new cause’ of their problem. A new underlying reason why they’re struggling that explains why everything else they’ve tried failed.
Having a ‘new cause’ then allows you to present your product as a ‘new solution’. A one-of-kind solution separate from anything else that exists.
8. Does it focus on one core emotion?
One of the key reasons why sales letters bomb is because they’ve only brushed the surface on why people should buy the product.
There’s a whole deeper layer of emotions and needs you need to access.
Things like:
Fear of embarrassment
Fear of loneliness
Fear of illness or pain
Frustration from feeling unappreciated
Frustration from feeling used, lied to, or taken advantage of
Frustration from feelings of guilt imposed upon us by experiences
Desire to feel physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually fulfilled
Desire to feel successful
Desire to feel optimistic, even excited about our futures.
There are plenty more.
To get to the deeper emotions, imagine interviewing your prospect customer and asking them ‘why does that matter?’ until you reach the raw, deep emotional reasons why they want to change something in their life.
9. Does the copy introduce the product in an exciting way?
The product presentation typically comes halfway through the sales letter. By this stage you’ve dug into their deeper emotions… explained why their problem has life or death consequences… and explained why nothing else they’ve tried has worked.
They’re now eager to hear about your groundbreaking new solution.
So present it as an incredible new breakthrough that will transform their life.
Imagine you’re Steve Jobs presenting the new iPhone, and that life for your customer will never be the same again.
10. Does the copy answer ALL the objections to buying?
When reading your copy, people have questions in their heads like:
I’m different to most people, will this work for me?
How does it work, and why is it better than doing nothing?
Is it good value for money?
What happens if it doesn’t work?
So you need to list off all the objections before you start writing. And then make sure you’ve ticked them all off by the end of the sales letter.
One way to describe it is ‘shutting all the doors’. So that by the end of the letter, the only option a prospect has left is to buy.
11. Does it make ordering seem safe, easy and hassle free?
If you’re writing in the alternative health niche, many of your customers are likely 60+.
They haven’t grown up in a world where the internet, smartphones and online shopping is ubiquitous. They get nervous buying things online.
They’re constantly wondering if your sales page is a scam to steal their credit card details.
So you need to explain how to buy the product as simply as possible. Imagine it’s your grandma who’s ordering and the steps you’d need to guide her through over the phone.
12. Does it close with an inspiring image of what life will be like with the product?
Now you’ve got to the end of the sales letter, you want to close strong.
Remind people of all the key points you’ve revealed in the sales letter, why nothing else can work and why your product is the ONLY solution that can.
In the close you also want to present two compelling visions:
The nightmare scenario that awaits if they do nothing.
The blissful transformation that awaits with your product
After reading 8-10,000 words of your sales letter, many people may be teetering on the fence on whether to buy or not.
So make sure you bring out the big guns in the close. Present the most emotionally charged, compelling arguments possible for saying ‘yes’. And watch conversions rise.
Tell them the ‘Why’ not the ‘How’
After working through this 12 point checklist, you should be able to find plenty of ways to improve a client’s advertorials, sales letters or VSLs.
You can then send your suggestions as a marked up copy of the original… a set of bullet points… or a video recorded with Loom.
Just make sure you hold back on providing a complete blueprint for improving their copy and conversions. Instead, focus on explaining WHY their copy is weak in places and losing sales. And save the fine details on HOW it can be improved for after they’ve hired you.
If you have success with this strategy, I’d love to hear about it!
Recently Stefan ran a competition for budding copy scribes to write sales letters for his clients.
One of them was a sales letter for a one-of-a-kind clay mask.
Stefan offered an upfront fee for the five best applicants, and then a bonus for the winning letter.
After opening up a couple of veins to bleed all over my laptop in order to get a 9,000 word sales letter done in 3 weeks…
Yours truly snagged the prize.
Here are three takeaways on how I did it:
1. Sold him on hiring me like I’d sell customers on buying a client’s products
To be selected, I had to write Stefan a cover letter.
Sure, I could have just written about my past copywriting experience, recent successes and dropped in a few testimonials… like you would applying for any gig.
But I knew with a seasoned pro like Stefan, an average cover letter wasn’t going to cut it.
So I went to TOWN, and turned it into a fully fledged sales letter.
It opened with a painful event that told me something had to change…
A feverish search for a quest item to help me make a breakthrough…
And then future pacing what life would be like if Stefan picked me as one of the final five.
I also threw in Stefan’s love of White Claw and reading to his daughter to show I’d done my research…
And that this was no cookie cutter letter sent out a cold email bombing run.
Women (and increasingly men) have heard every claim in the book on ‘fading wrinkles’ and ‘reversing the signs of aging’.
Sure, I could make BIGGER claims.
And I did… with claims of skin so soft it was ‘porcelain smooth’.
But I also loaded up the first few pages with ALL the proof I could muster.
This included:
Before and after photos immediately after the headline (you can’t beat a good demonstration)
Brief summary of the TRUE story of our hero going from a face covered in scars to modelling for Macy’s in just 7 weeks
HIGH STATUS testimonials from beauticians and estheticians
Trust badges of all the websites the product has featured on
Endorsement from Dave Asprey, and the fact our hero appeared on Bulletproof Radio to talk about his product
The temptation can be to leave some proof elements until later on… as a nice surprise to tip wavering prospects into buyers.
But in super saturated markets…
You don’t have the luxury of hoping people will follow the trail to get to the good stuff.
You’ve got to sweeten the pot early on to draw in readers like bees to honey.
3. Slotted mini emotional rollercoasters into the discovery story
All five selected writers had the same background story to work from.
So I knew if I wanted the juicy $2,500 bonus…
I had to turn minor details into MAJOR breakthroughs.
This includes the moment our hero collects a friend at the airport and they’re stunned to see the improvement in their skin.
This became my breakthrough moment where our hero realizes they’ve got a super special product on his hands that can change lives.
Another example is when our hero awakes giddy after a car accident…
They’re giddy to be alive.
But then they turn to see the look of horror on their mom’s face…
Due to their ‘patchwork of skin sewn together in the emergency room’.
These sudden shifts in emotion enabled me to slot in mini emotional rollercoasters into the longer story arc.
A letter isn’t finished until it converts
Thanks to these three tactics, this was Stefan’s feedback:
“Matt – great work. We loved your letter and you really just nailed it on so many different levels – from the formatting which was really on point, to the story telling and big ideas.”
While the end client, Andy Hnilo, liked my sales letter too:
“Great work on the lander! Incredible! Thank you!”
It’s always an anxious wait getting feedback.
And now I’m in for another one.
Because making clients happy is one thing…
But it’s how the market responds that ultimately counts.
So I’ve already offered Andy free updates until we hit our conversion goals.
The copywriting universe is expanding at breakneck speed.
Facebook groups are filling up daily with aspiring teenage wordsmiths (I’d LOVE to have known about copywriting at their age)…
While copywriters based in India, Nigeria and other countries are upping their game to earn a chunkier wage packet from the interwebs…
And people who’ve lost their jobs in the viral tornado are now retooling to reboot their careers as home based copy scribes.
The good news is there are millions of businesses in need of our services.
The bad news is there’s now a vast ocean of copywriters all vying for their custom.
So how can you stand out?
The key to success is developing a ‘magnetic brand’.
A brand that draws clients to you… so you can spend more time making moolah and less time penning cold emails.
How can you build a ‘magnetic brand’?
Here are five idea:
1. Niche down early
Specialists get to charge more than generalists. That’s a simple fact.
So plan how you can be the go-to expert for a specific niche.
Choose a topic you’re passionate about and there’s a hungry market for (hint – if there’s a magazine about it, there’s a market).
Then start building your knowledge, skillset and brand as the expert in that niche.
2. Specialize in a TYPE of copy
You can take niching down a step further by specializing in a type of copy.
You could be the expert in onboarding email sequences for pet CBD…
The master at writing sales pages for survival knives….
Or become the person with the biggest swipe file of supplement check out pages (checkout pages are one of the best ways to boost response yet are criminally ignored).
3. Post daily
The world is filled with dirt poor geniuses who don’t know (or refuse to) market themselves.
Don’t be like them.
Log an hour of self promotion into your daily schedule.
This could include answering questions in Facebook groups… giving people feedback on their sales page… and posting daily with insights and tips.
Don’t know what to write?
Breakdown a marketing process into a series of steps, and then write bite size posts on each step.
Want to go a step further than 99% of your introverted brethren (including yours truly)?
Record your posts as videos on your phone.
You can start up a YouTube channel, as well as grow your following on LinkedIn and Facebook.
4. Offer a bold guarantee
Sadly, there are too many copywriters who take self promotion to the extreme.
They offer clients the moon and the stars before they’ve even witten a single profitable promo.
The result is there are a ton of jaded clients out there, who’ve been burned so many times they’re reluctant to try out up-and-comers.
One workaround is to offer a bold guarantee.
Say that you’re a copywriter ‘who stands by their work’.
In other words, you’ll provide unlimited redrafts for 1-3 months until the client hits their conversion goals.
Just make sure you only offer this to clients willing to share their stats and properly test your copy.
5. Create a new method for turning clicks into cash
Jeff Walker is known for his Launch Formula while Todd Brown has E5 Camp.
They’re essentially two renditions of the same theme. So why not create a product launch strategy of your own?
Even better, promote it with a case study using REAL DATA on how you used it to grow a list and sell a $7 info product.
Proof of concept will go a long way to drawing in clients.
So there you go.
Five ideas off the bat on how to standout in the rapidly expanding ocean of copywriters.
And five ideas I hope have got the cogs grinding on how you can develop your skills and grow the magnetic power of your brand at the same time.
If you try implementing any of them, let me know how you get on.
P.S. This post topic was a personal request of a Crucible reader. So if there’s anything you’d like me to cover in future emails, post a comment and let me know.
Funny isn’t it, we spend all day writing to sell other people’s stuff, but struggle to string a few lines together to sell our own.
You want to know what the BIG mental block is?
Not dialing in what your services are worth.
Case in point…
If you consider yourself a conversion copywriter, you should be charging $1,000 for a consultation service without flinching.
Even better, you should offer it with a BOLD guarantee.
A guarantee like offering to refund every cent if your advice doesn’t boost their profits by $10,000 (hint – there’s lots of gold buried in email list).
You should also have a copywriting services package for $10,000.
And I don’t just mean offering to write two months of emails…
I’m talking about a package that offers a POWERFUL solution for a nagging problem – a compelling ultimate result they’d be eager to pay a premium for.
Todd Brown’s E5 strategy or Jeff Walker’s Launch formula are perfect examples.
And you want to also frame your package as the best in the industry in how it tackles a key marketing challenge in a unique way.
Give it a clever name.
Yet what matters more is that your package offers multiple returns on the fee.
It’s got to be a revenue generator. Not a cost.
But if after dangling your offer to your market and nobody bites…
It’s because they can’t see the value in it.
In which case, you’ve got to leave the bright lights of the city for the cabin in the woods.
In other words, you’ve got to brush up your copy skills… get better results… and dial in your offers.
Then rinse and repeat until you’ve got an offer that generates more money than it costs.
Word will spread…
And you’ll then get more leads from higher paying clients than you can handle.
Spend today, this evening and all night if you have to working on your headlines and leads for his first two projects
If selected, you’ll then have 3 weeks to write the sales letter.
Yet with the RMBC Method now at your disposal, you can write them in record time (and potentially scoop a juicy bonus)
Good luck!
Earnings disclaimer – The links in this post are affiliate links. Here’s a non-affiliated link if you prefer. Main thing is you dont miss this career turbocharging opportunity.
Maximizing conversions on every page will get ever more vital.
One stage too many marketers hold back on is their first upsell.
They think people are weary…
Have read enough already…
And aren’t in the mood for another 1,000 word sales pitch.
So they throw up an upsell page with minimal copy and a juicy discount, and hope for the best.
But the result is an offer with “T-rex arms” (hat tip to Justin Goff).
It lacks muscle.
It’s attempt at selling is feeble.
Instead, you’ve got to get some meat on the bones.
You’ve got to go through the entire sales process.
Present a new idea…
Address skepticism…
Tell them how it works in a revolutionary way…
Anchor the price…
And set readers at a crossroads between pain or salvation.
Turning the upsell page into a more muscular, fully developed sales page can dramatically boost average order value.
And as consumer cash gets scarce…
Optimizing EVERY page for conversions will mean the difference between surviving and thriving.
If you’d like to know the best way to create high converting upsells, you get a step-by-step process on how to do it in Stefan Georgi’s RMBC Method course.
Along with Heath Wilcock’s video on writing advertorials and Jerrod Harlan’s videos on million dollar selling emails…
I think the bonuses are worth the price of entry alone.
Earnings disclaimer – The above are affiliate links. However, like I’ve said in previous posts, I’ve bought it myself. And I think any copywriter serious about joining the top ranks of high converting copywiters should get it too.
In my RMBC Method review I cover how it works and if it really can enable you to write high converting sales letters in 3 days, and charge $50k per letter.
Writing sales letters used to be an arcane art… shrouded in mystery.
Legendary copywriters would spend 4-6 weeks reading around the topic…
Walking around supermarket aisles interviewing customers…
Flying to gin soaked client meetings…
and sitting in a hut in a darkened forest…
until inspiration for the perfect headline struck.
Only then… and only then… would they consider putting quill to parchment.
Fast forward to today and it’s a whole new ball game.
Because, if the rumours are true, you don’t need to do any of that.
There’s a system that bends time and space to enable you to craft
sales letters in as little as 3 days.
High converting sales letters too.
And no, I’m not talking about punching some keywords into a ‘Copy Robot’ for it to spew out something so jarring even Johnny 5 can’t make sense of it.
I am, of course, talking about Stefan Georgi’s RMBC method.
A step-by-step system for pumping out high converting copy in as little as 3 days.
Until now, you had to pay $34,000 to be a member of his elite Copy Accelerator group to get it.
Yet for reasons that defy the rules of capitalism…
he’s released it to the general public at a 97% discount($997 for non-mathemagicians).
So before he changes his mind (or his accountant convinces him to raise the price) read my RMBC Method review yonder…
Who is Stefan Georgi? And how is he able to charge $50k for sales letters?
The first time I heard of Stefan Georgi was in an interview with 80/20 email copywriter Ian Stanley four years ago.
An interview in which he talked about cranking out multiple sales letters a month….
And I remember snidely thinking they must be total garbage (no doubt, to safeguard my ego because I couldn’t write that fast).
Well, fast forward to today and I stand corrected.
Because Stefan Georgi is fast becoming known as the hottest copywriter alive.
Here’s why:
He’s had 7 of the top 10 highest performing sales letters on Clickbank at ONE time
Launched a multi-million dollar supplement company…
Had to set up his own call center because his sales letters created so much demand…
And due to these successes, he’s able to charge $50k per sales letter.
Pretty impressive, huh?
So he clearly didn’t release his RMBC method for the money.
As soon becomes clear when you go through it…
He did it due to his passion for the craft. And a genuine desire to help other copywriters up their game.
Something that becomes more obvious by the day, with all the extra bonuses he’s releasing.
RMBC Method Review – How the RMBC Method Works
The RMBC method is broken down into four stages:
For each stage you get a video in which Stefan runs you through his process.
You also get downloadable copies of all his notes and transcripts.
For each stage you also get 3-4 demonstration videos, in which you watch over Stefan’s shoulder as he puts his process into action researching and writing sales letters from scratch.
Stefan has also included videos of members of his elite Copy Accelerator Group (like Roman Alvarado, Joey Percia and Jeremy Reeves) as they also demonstrate how to use Stefan’s RMBC method to write high converting copy in record time.
Yet that’s not all…
You also get modules on:
Writing high impact fascinations – Also known as ‘curiosity bullets’, fascinations give readers a rapid fire list of reasons to buy the product. You can almost write an entire sales letter with fascinations alone, particularly to sell info products.
Crafting Attention-Grabbing Leads That Can’t Be Ignored – After headlines, the most vital element is the lead. In fact, you can breathe life into flagging sales letters with a proof driven new lead. Stefan gives you examples for the CBD market, dog food and a snoring device you can use as inspiration for your own offers.
Writing killer headlines – As David Ogilvy famously said, 80% read the headline before they read anything else. So it’s THE most vital element to get right. Stefan shares his 6 step checklist for writing killer headlines, without having to write hundreds out (like we’re supposed to, but few people do).
Subject lines and Ad Creatives – Get a walkthrough on Stefan’s subject line matrix, and get some punchy subject lines for emails and presells in less time.
AOV Money Close – Find out how Stefan adds 20% or more to supplement orders. He provides his 7 steps to convincing people to buy the bigger pack, along with high converting examples on how it’s done.
And then there’s the bonuses… so many bonuses:
Bonus 1 – Using the RMBC Method to Wire a New Keto Sales Letter from Scratch
Bonus 2 – Advertorials with Health Wilcock. Get Heath’s exact process to writing presells that boost CTR and conversions, including his 6 go-to advertorial styles with examples to add to your swipe file.
Bonus 3 – Big Ideas Explains, and why a big idea is VITAL to sales success
Bonus 4 – Coming Up With the Mechanism for Health Offers
Bonus 5 – Writing Facebook Ads with Mike Buontempo
Bonus 6 – Writing Mini Sales Letters, with examples for sports betting and a turmeric supplement
And those are just the bonuses at the time of writing my RMBC Method review…
Because Stefan is continuing to record new videos answering people’s questions and get more bonuses done as we speak (including a bonus video on writing emails, by Natural Health Sherpa’s Jerrod Harlan).
You gain access to all of these extra videos and bonuses via the private Facebook group.
Stefan is HUGELY active in the group right now. But that will likely change in the future as he gets drawn away to other projects.
So if you’d like to ask him questions and benefit from his experience of selling millions, join RMBC Method right now.
RMBC Method Review – Does it REALLY make it possible to write a sales letter in 3 days?
The short answer is, yes.
There are plenty of top level copywriters who vouch that they’ve written a sales letter in 3 days using the RMBC method.
The way Stefan has systemized the research phase, planning and how you structure your sales letter has made it a lot quicker to get your notes done and start writing.
These are ‘top level’ copywriters.
If you don’t have a few years of sales letter writing under your belt…
it’s unlikely what you write in 3 days is going to be oven ready.
Crafting high converting copy comes from the editing stage. And it can take a ton of drafts to get your words shipshape.
Stefan doesn’t directly teach you how to write in a compelling, persuasive way (although he gives you lots of tips).
But he DOES provide you with lots of examples you can use as inspiration on how it’s done.
So it would be a good idea to get some books on editing (Bond Halbert’s The Copywriting Method Part III is the best book I’ve read. And Scott Haines’ Shortcut Copywriting Secrets is great, if you can get hold of it).
So it may take you longer to write a compelling, high converting sales letter in 3 days.
But I think Stefan’s RMBC method will still dramatically cut down your time frame and the quality of your output, whatever level you’re at.
RMBC Method Review – When can I expect to start earning $50k a sales letter?
It’s a nice thought, isn’t it…
that you need only spend $997 on a copywriting course and instantly be earning $50k a sales letter within months.
Life is never that easy (how dull life would be, if it was).
Stefan’s able to charge $50k due to consistently generating 1,000% returns for his clients.
Like I said, he had 7 of the top 10 best sellers on Clickbank at one point. And has generated untold millions for his clients in his career.
So, no.
You can’t expect to be banking $50k per sales letter anytime soon (but I’d LOVE for you to prove me wrong).
Yet, what you can expect is to be generating significantly better conversions than you are now (unless you already consistently convert at 4-5%, in which case you have my respect)…
And with consistently higher conversions comes higher profits for clients…
and with higher profits comes higher fees.
Leading to you potentially making your $997 investment on the RMBC Method back many times over.
In fact, the bonus on writing advertorials alone is worth the price of entry.
Because you can use what Heath teaches you to be charging $1,000 for a presell in little to no time (a $3 profit!).
RMBC Method Review – Who Needs it in their Life and Who Can Live Without It
There are people in the private Facebook group now using the RMBC Method to write newsletters, speeches and video documentaries.
So it’s a multifunctional system for writing highly engaging messages in lots of different formats.
Even if you’re a B2B copywriter, writing case studies and brochures, I think you could get a ton of value from Stefan’s videos on big ideas, mechanisms and headlines.
Stefan doesn’t offer a money back guarantee. So only get it if you’re serious about putting it into action and going after higher paying clients.
The RMBC Method’s core focus is also writing high converting sales letters and VSLs.
It’s really geared for selling to emotionally charged B2C niches, like supplements, financial newsletters, survival and biz opp.
Over the last few years I’ve spent close to twenty thousand dollars on various mentorships and coaching programs.
And RMBC Method offers the best ROI by a looooong shot.
It gives you EXACT process to follow…
tons of examples you can ‘re-engineer’ to create your own high converting promos…
And the golden ticket to writing high converting copy that can rapidly raise your fees.
In fact, in the future, if anyone asks to write for me I’ll be advising them to go through the RMBC Method… create a sales letter… run traffic to it… and get some sales.
But shoot… if you’re able to do that you never need to write for me or anyone else ever again.
So here’s the bottom line…
Perfecting your craft takes time.
It’s a journey that never ends.
Yet the RMBC Method gives you a rock solid foundation on which to build.
And it shows you what it takes to research topics, assemble copy and perform at the highest level.
Like I said, you previously had to pay $34,000 to be in Stefan’s Copy Accelerator group to get it.
Yet right now, you can get it at a 97% discount.
So if I was you, I’d go get the RMBC Method before Stefan pushes up the price or withdraws it from sale altogether to protect his own $50k per sales letter fees.
Earnings disclaimer – All the links to Stefan’s RMBC Method are affiliate links. But if you’re a regular reader, you’ll know I don’t post reviews very often (mayone one or two a year). I’ve paid my own good money to get it. And I think you should too.
In case you didn’t know, Stefan Georgi has had more top 10 monster sellers on Clickbank than any other copywriter (at one point, 6 out of the top 10 were written by him)…
He now charges $50k per sales letter…
And alongside Justin Goff, he runs the Copywriter Accelerator group, which now costs $30k a year to join.
In other words, he may know better than anyone what it takes to write sales letters and VSLs that convert on cold traffic.
The RMBC method is his long fabled process for researching and writing sales letters in super fast time.
Previously, you had to be a member of his $30k p.a. Copy Accelerator to learn it.
But last week he released it publically.
So, as you can imagine, I snapped it up pronto before he decides rasising the copy skills of hundreds of his competitors might impact his earnings.
I’ll be posting a longer review after I’ve completed it.
But in case you’d like to spend this Sunday upgrading your copy game, here’s a link to the looong sales page:
Creating a million dollar selling funnels doesn’t have to be rocket science.
It doesn’t have to mean testing 100 different headlines… forcing traffic through 10 different presells… or feeling like you’re herding cats trying to get it profitable.
It can be as simple as seeing what’s working for marketing’s elite and re-engineering it.
There’s one monster selling funnel, in particular, that’s been popping all over my social media feeds.
A funnel that suggests advertising supplements on Facebook isn’t just allowed… but is EXTREMELY profitable.
The funnel in question is for Advanced Bionutritionals’ new protein supplement. And it looks to be converting very well indeed.
Let’s breakdown each step to understand why.
1.Hybrid VSL and text ad
It seems like Facebook has relented on its blanket ban on supplement ads.
Which is great news because it means we can start running ads like this beauty.
The text ad follows a classic structure:
State a fact people perceive to be true
Go all contrarian and dispute that fact
Outline the reader’s struggles
How you’ve found a breakthrough new solution
Build intrigue in finding out more about the solution, or provide proof it works
Click the button to find out more.
While the video provides tons of testimonials from real people, builds more intrigue in the solution, how it can work for everyone and then closes with future pacing on the transformation that awaits.
So no big claims.
Just people talking about their experience and building intrigue in finding out more.
And from here the funnel goes direct to the VSL page, with no need for a pecky presell ‘shield’ that can cut your clickthroughs in half.
But don’t make the mistake of connecting FREE with low value.
Mark’s program is clearly born out of passion rather than profit…
because Mark shares the same knowledge that’s generated millions for clients just so other copywriters can do a better job of being copywriters.
It’s better than a lot of the $5,000 courses I’ve studied, and then some.
Mark says he doesnt have time to promote it properly as a paid product (too busy recording videos for his members I guess), so the price of entry is now ZERO.
So before he changes his mind, sign up NOW and I’ll see you in the Facebook group where he posts new videos:
No doubt about it… the coronavirus outbreak has held us on one heck of a rollercoaster ride the last few weeks.
And a ride we’re not getting off any time soon.
We’re in for months (if not years) of economic turmoil, social unrest and uncertainty.
Some say the world will never go back to the way it was again.
So what can you do about it?
The way I see it, you have two choices:
1. Batten down the hatches, cut marketing spend to the bone and hope things go back to normal (trust me, they won’t)
2. Pivot your offers and messaging to match the new reality.
Instead of letting fear drive your actions… why not step boldly forwards and find new opportunities for growth?
Option 2 sounds far more appealing, don’t you agree?
So if you’re with me on this, you may be wondering how can such economic and social carnage be turned into an opportunity for growth?
Here are three ideas:
1. Be a Guide with a Game Plan
People are scared, anxious and dreading what may come next.
There’s so much fake news… conspiracies about biowarfare labs… and conflicting health advice whipping around… people don’t know who to believe or trust.
They’re yearning for CERTAINTY in their lives.
They want someone to step forward… to take this catastrophe by the horns and SHOW THEM what to do.
Why not position yourself as this pillar of certainty?
And I don’t mean just firing off emails about having customers’ backs. Emails so insincere they make customers mentally wretch.
I’m talking about being a guide with a gameplan.
A brand with a roadmap that helps them go from feeling helpless and lost to taking control of their lives again.
Ideally, you’d build this roadmap around your product.
Otherwise, just share advice like you would with any friend in trouble.
This could be immunity boosting recipes… breathing exercises to reduce their stress levels… or turning trash into treasure on eBay to top up their emergency fund.
Be the business that gave them a helping hand when times were tough… rather than the fairweather friend nobody trusts.
2. Update Your Offer to Match People’s New Priorities
Let’s face it, being beach body ready is not priority # 1 right now.
So pivot your offers to match what people’s priorities really are…
which, let’s face it, for many people is SURVIVAL.
Turn weight loss offers into pathways to improving their health markers, and gaining a better fighting chance of surviving the next 18 months.
Got a probiotic supplement? Change the focus from gut health to immunity support.
Selling hemp gum? Focus your sales letter on how it can calm their moods while they’re on lockdown and the world outside seems a scary place.
3) Provide a Sense of Community
Know why everyone’s going nuts for live streamed workout videos right now?
Sure, staying healthy has a lot to do with it.
But it’s also to do with getting a sense of COMMUNITY.
We may spend hours a day staring at our phones… but that doesn’t mean we’ve lost the desire to feel part of a tribe.
Humans are social animals. It’s hardwired into our DNA.
And a few decades of being couch potatoes and social media addicts isn’t going to change that.
Right now, people crave social interaction and feeling like part of a community.
Think how you can fulfil that desire.
Create Facebook Lives, training webinars and competitions that bring people together and foster a sense of community around your brand.
Give people a virtual place to go to solve a shared problem and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised how many show up (particularly with all the free time they have right now).
Conclusion – Don’t Pray. Pivot.
Think the coronavirus chaos will be over after a few weeks?
It doesn’t take Dr. Antony Fauci to tell you this is unlikely.
Even after they find a magic combo of drugs to bring the death rate down and set up factories to pump out ventilators like they’re M4 Sherman tanks ready to fight a war…
Uncertainty, economic carnage and social upheaval will continue.
So rather than pin your hopes on the coronavirus chaos passing like a bad dream…
Reset your marketing machine for the new reality.
Pivot your offers, positioning, and messaging to match where your customers minds are right now… and set yourself up to thrive, rather than just survive, the coronavirus chaos.
If you need help updating your offers and marketing to match the new reality, book a strategy session and let’s discuss it.
It’s not every day you show up to a marketing event and the presenters walk on in hazmat suits (Thailand style).
But then this was no ordinary marketing event…
This was Project Persuasion 4.0 – Marketing Gone Wild.
Over 3 days I filled my notebook with the unconventional ideas and ‘down the rabbit hole’ strategies for which Mitch Miller’s annual event is now famed.
And over the next week, I’m going to share ALL of them with you.
Within the first few hours we’d already ticked off whether we’re living in a simulation, and if Jesus was a developer with a cheat code…
And the psychology behind why Charles Manson made his followers take LSD 300 times before committing murder.
So as you can imagine, over the following 3 days I heard some truly out-of-the box… colouring outside the lines thinking that’ll make your head spin (and like many attendees, a little anxious for humanity’s future).
Some of the insights I’ll be dropping in your inbox (before running away gleefully) include:
– The 6 eras of branding and what the next era means for the future of humanity – with consumers locked in echochamber silos and Apple and Amazon going to war (literally) for their minds and money.
– What Rolex’s transition from just another watchmaker into a luxury brand can teach you about giving customers the labels they crave (and how following Rolex’s strategy will be the key to your own prosperity when AI becomes your main competitor).
– What the popularity of reaction videos on YouTube says about how isolation, disconnected and empty people feel – and how entrepreneurs and businesses able to fill the void can thrive.
– The ONE thing to NEVER say to a Boomer in your sales letter (and what will convince them to buy without you uttering a single word).
– The 4 questions to ask yourself that will bulletproof you against internet trolls – as verified by the wise teachings of Oh Sho (yes, that Oh Sho from Netflix’s ‘Wild, Wild, Country’).
– Why the coming technological revolution won’t take us to utopia but to a brutal, bloody future – in which 3D printers become the printing presses of war and societies shrink for their survival (and the 3 key skills VITAL for survivial in apocalyptic era where money has no value and even the military has gone soft).
– Why sipping cocktails on the beach is NEVER the end GOAL – And developing the multi-millionaire mindset to treat rewards as interludes, not prizes.
– How to get clients on LinkedIn without sending them a single message (no, it’s not endlessly posting in forumsorspending a king’s ransom on LinkedIn ads)
And much, much more.
So if you’d like to get all this Project Persuasion 4.0 – Marketing Gone Wild‘s mind scrambling, tinfoil hat tearing info, be sure to check your inbox over the next week.
Just promise me you’ll read with a positive mind and belief you’re in control of your own destiny.